Why Data in ReBid Dashboard Doesn't Match Data In Google Analytics

Why Data in ReBid Dashboard Doesn't Match Data In Google Analytics

There are several reasons why the data you see in ReBid might not match exactly what you see in Google Analytics. It all comes down to ensuring you view data in Google Analytics the same way ReBid requests and stores it on your behalf.
Here are some common scenarios:

1. Assignments Matter:

  1. Check your assignments: You might have access to multiple Google Analytics properties or views with similar names. You could be comparing data from two different sources unintentionally.

  1. Verify the assigned view: Make sure the Google Analytics view you want to report on in ReBid is the one that's actually assigned.
  2. Check for multiple assignments: If your ReBid dashboard shows higher values than expected, you might be combining data from multiple Google Analytics assignments. To check this, create a report in ReBid with the following groupings:
    1. Client
    2. Analytics View
    3. Analytics View ID
    4. Analytics Property
    5. Analytics Property ID
If you see multiple properties contributing to the data, the total value won't match a single Google Analytics view. To resolve this, remove unwanted assignments or use filters in ReBid to isolate the desired data.

2. Data Might Not Match the UI but is Probably Correct:

  1. Data sampling: The Google Analytics API can sometimes return sampled data sets for large datasets to ensure fast response times. ReBid strives to fetch the full, non-sampled data set. If sampled data is returned, ReBid will reduce the date range until non-sampled data becomes available. This means the data in your ReBid dashboard might not reflect what you see in the Google Analytics UI, which might show sampled data.
  2. Excluding invalid data: Google Analytics collects data for various dimensions and metrics, but not all data might be captured for every user or session. ReBid retrieves the best data set available but excludes sessions where requested fields are unavailable. This can lead to discrepancies if you're viewing data in the Google Analytics UI with a different combination of dimensions/metrics. For example, imagine a ReBid data view stores data that includes User Age and Gender. If you view the standard Age report in Google Analytics (where only Age is a dimension), the data might match. However, some sessions might have Age data but not Gender data. ReBid's data view would only include sessions with both Age and Gender, resulting in a different data set than what you see in the Google Analytics UI.

The best way to ensure an apples-to-apples comparison is to use the Google Analytics Request Composer tool. This tool allows you to request the exact report ReBid requests for a more accurate comparison.

3. Dates and Data Storage:

  1. Date discrepancies: When viewing data in Google Analytics, the selected date range is treated as a single block unless you request a specific breakdown (daily, weekly, etc.). ReBid, however, calls the Google Analytics API for data by date, building your data store over time. This can affect the returned values:
    1. Small demographics samples: To protect user privacy, Google Analytics might exclude some or all sessions from the API response for days with limited Age/Gender data. Viewing a larger date range in the UI might show more data as the privacy threshold isn't triggered without the daily breakdown.
    2. User count differences: The user count in Google Analytics reflects unique users within the requested date range. If you break down the same report by date, the user metric shows unique users for each day. Users visiting on multiple days will be counted for each day, leading to a higher total than the single date range view in the UI. ReBid retrieves data by date, so the user metric might not match the Google Analytics UI value.

4. Handling Goals Data:

  1. Goals require specific filtering: Any widget built from a Goals data view in ReBid must either filter for one specific goal or include a group-by of Goals. Otherwise, you'll be aggregating values from multiple goals, leading to inaccurate results, especially for calculated fields relying on standard metrics like Sessions.
Remember, Goals data views are designed for individual goal analysis, not comparing session data across multiple goals.

If you're still facing issues with how your data from Google Analytics is presented in ReBid, our customer support team is available to help. 

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