Getting Started
Core Definitions
By understanding these key terms, you can use ReBid CDP more effectively: Traffic ReBid CDP can receive and send data. Therefore, the system defines two types of traffic: Incoming, i.e. systems that are able to send data to ReBid CDP. These will be ...
System Architecture
ReBid CDP is a distributed system that consists of several components working together to track and analyze customer data. The core components of ReBid CDP include: Collectors: Collectors collect events from customer interaction sources, such as ...
Key Terms
ReBid CDP makes use of various terms to refer to some actions being performed on the platform. Here are some of the key terms used in ReBid CDP: Customer data platform (CDP): A CDP is a solution that helps businesses collect, unify, and activate ...
Onboarding to ReBid CDP
Welcome to the Rebid CDP! When you log in for the first time, you will be greeted by a user-friendly homepage offering various features to help you navigate the platform easily. The homepage provides you with a Company Summary, presenting essential ...
Features of ReBid CDP
In today's fast-paced business landscape, staying ahead of the competition requires not only access to data but the ability to harness it effectively. ReBid CDP presents a game-changing solution by unifying your product and behavior data, empowering ...
What is ReBid CDP?
ReBid CDP is a Customer Data Platform designed to help you achieve success in your digital marketing efforts. ReBid CDP empowers you with strategic and data-driven capabilities, enabling you to build, scale, and enrich unique customer profiles while ...